STARS OF SOUND; MURTEN 2014 (CH) 24. Oktober 2018 Murten, Stars of Sound, 13.06.2014Photos by: Aurélie Roesch Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014 Stars of Sound, Murten 2014